Homa Bay Families Displaced by Raging Floods

Homa Bay, Kenya – Unprecedented rainfall in Rachuonyo North, Homa Bay County, has led to severe flooding, resulting in the displacement of approximately 500 residents across various locations.

According to Kenya News Agency, Samwel Omondi, families from Kamser Nyakongo, Central Karachuonyo, and Kogweno Oriang are the most affected and are in dire need of humanitarian aid. The heavy downpour of the last few days has escalated to floods, rendering houses uninhabitable and leading to the loss of household items of undisclosed value.

The floods have also devastated local agriculture, submerging crops and raising concerns over impending food shortages. Residents have reported that the flooding has disrupted their ability to cook, with floodwaters extinguishing their fireplaces. “We are unable to cook any food because the floods have interfered with our fireplaces. Life is very unbearable here,” said Pamela Otieno, a flood victim.

The community has appealed to both county and national governments for sustainable solutions to the recurring crisis. Cloy Achieng, another victim, emphasized the repetitive nature of the problem during each rainy season, urging for prompt action from leaders and government officials.

In response to the immediate crisis, affected residents have established temporary shelters in emergency camps, such as Yala Primary School and Kogembo dispensary. They have issued an appeal for aid, calling for food and non-food items to help them cope with the current hardships.

Omondi confirmed that the Kenya Red Cross is currently evaluating the extent of the flood situation in the county to coordinate relief efforts effectively.

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