High Commissioner Urges State Agents to Resume Duties Promptly


Sourou: The High Commissioner, D©sir© Badolo, invited all State agents responsible for positions and who do not reside there, to join them without delay. The traditional raising of the colors was respected this Monday, January 6 in Tougan, in Sourou.

According to Burkina Information Agency, for this first Monday of the year 2025, after the raising of the colours accompanied by the national anthem, the High Commissioner, D©sir© Badolo, once again sent his best wishes to the entire population, while saluting the work of all actors in the public and private sectors, the combat forces and all partners during the year 2024.

D©sir© Badolo highlighted that some state agents, responsible for positions in the province, do not reside there for unjustified reasons. He took the opportunity to invite them to return to their posts without delay. “To the state agents in positions at the provincial level who do not reside there for unjustified reasons, you should return to your respective positions without delay so as not to miss out on history,” he said.

The solemn ceremony of raising the colors of this first Monday of the year took place at the Provincial Directorate of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education (DPEPPNF) of Sourou, in the presence of heads of services, representatives of different social classes and the defense and security forces.