Gourma: The SND begins a patriotic training session for the benefit of 300 young people

The governor of the Eastern region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo chaired the opening of the civic and patriotic training session for the benefit of three hundred (300) from his locality, Monday, March 20, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma.

It is in a context marked by terrorism and incivility; two evils that undermine national cohesion, security and development in Burkina Faso that the National Service for Development (SND) opened a civic and patriotic training session for the benefit of three hundred (300) from the Burkina Faso region. East, Monday, March 20, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma.

The governor of the East region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo, indicated that civic and patriotic training induces positive changes as the young broaden their horizons. Through this training, the young person acquires knowledge but also a new skill and becomes a major player in social life, he added. Thus, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo appreciated at its fair value, this training which, according to him, will contribute to shaping young people to make them citizens in tune with the challenges of development.

The director of training of the SND, Babou Bamouni “this training on citizenship and patriotism aims to train youth”.

The SND training director, Babou Bamouni, pointed out that during the five (05) days of training, seventeen (17) modules on the history of Burkina Faso, corruption, incivility will be developed at these youth. Employability, decent work, rights and duties will also be provided to them, said Mr. Bamouni.

“This training session, which will affect seven (07) regions of Burkina Faso this year, aims to train young people, the spearhead of tomorrow”, suggested Mr. Bamouni.

Continuing, he noted that it is justified in view of the current context where the cardinal values, to name only respect for elders, respect for duties and respect for the public good, are in decline.

Banyala Audrez Stella Thiombiano “Young people must work to further develop their country”.

The learner, Banyala Audrey Stella Thiombiano maintained that she wanted to benefit from good training during this session. “We are waiting for the State to develop the industrial sector and the spirit of entrepreneurship in order to reduce youth unemployment. Young people must, in turn, work to further develop their country, to make our dear Burkina Faso a country envied by others,” said Miss Thiombiano. The governor of the Eastern region invited these young people whose age is between 18 and 30 years old, who have at least the primary school certificate and who have never benefited from this type of training from the SND to have ears attentive throughout this session and to be ambassadors of the values learned in their respective localities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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