Geingob reflects on the achievements in public health

Namibia’s commitment towards the control of the HIV pandemic has resulted in a 65 per cent decrease in new infections and a 74 per cent decrease in HIV-related fatalities since 2004.

Furthermore, the country is one of the first high-burden countries to approach epidemic control using the UNAIDS 95-95-95 treatment cascade, with 92 per cent of People Living with HIV aware of their status, 99 per cent on HIV treatment, and 94 per cent virally suppressed.

President Hage Geingob stated this in a press statement issued on Friday in commemoration of World Health Day.

Geingob stated that on this day, Namibians should pause to reflect on the public health milestones achieved thus far, as well as current and future challenges, and the need to work together to ensure that the most vulnerable and far behind have access to quality, essential healthcare services.

According to the President, Namibia has achieved significant progress in preventing mother-to-child transmission.

According to him, by 2022, the achieved universal coverage of more than 95 per cent for the first antennal care visit, HIV and syphilis testing in pregnant women, and maternal antiretroviral medication.

“Universal health coverage continues to be a goal for Namibia, ensuring that every Namibian has access to healthcare when and where they need it, without the financial burden that may limit access. In 2016, it was projected that 95.7 per cent (72,720) of Namibian births took place in health institutions,” he stated.

He added that the country declared the end of the Hepatitis E Virus Outbreak in March 2022, an outbreak that lasted four years and affected 13 of the 14 political regions, primarily in informal settlements and areas with low hygiene and sanitation.

This success is due to the government’s continued, sustained multispectral collaboration with WHO and partners in case management, surveillance, laboratory services, infection prevention and control, risk communication and community engagement, water, sanitation, and hygiene, he explained.

“Namibia remains dedicated to delivering health for all in accordance with Harambe Prosperity Plan target four, which assures universal access to healthcare,’’ he said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

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