EU Enhances Kenyan Justice System with Significant Vehicle Donation

NAIROBI — The European Union, in collaboration with the National Legal Aid Service (NLAS), has made a strategic donation of twelve vehicles to Kenya, aimed at improving the country’s justice delivery system. This contribution, part of the Legal Empowerment and Aid Delivery (PLEAD) program initiated in 2020, signifies a major boost in efforts to provide greater access to justice for all citizens.

According to Kenya News Agency, this initiative marks a pivotal moment in Kenya’s journey towards enhancing social justice, particularly for the marginalized and vulnerable sectors of society. The vehicles are expected to facilitate the extension of public services to various counties, including Wajir, Mandera, Lamu, Tana River, Garissa, Marsabit, Isiolo, Kisumu, Nairobi, Mombasa, Uasin Gishu, and Nakuru. Muturi emphasized that the ultimate goal is to extend these services to all 47 counties in the country, thus ensuring comprehensive coverage and access.

The partnership between NLAS and the EU aims to empower marginalized communities by ensuring their access to justice, thereby fostering awareness and inclusivity. Henriette Geiger, the EU Ambassador to Kenya, revealed that the EU has allocated 70 million euros to the PLEAD program, marking it as the bloc’s largest investment in justice sector reform within Sub-Saharan Africa. She stressed the importance of justice for all and encouraged the NLAS to make effective use of the donated vehicles to serve every Kenyan equitably.

Shadrack Mose, the Solicitor General of Kenya, lauded the NLAS for its significant progress under the program and expressed satisfaction with the strides made in implementing the government’s broader goal of transforming lives through legal empowerment. He noted that the initiative aligns with the NLAS mission to offer quality, affordable, and accountable legal services to the marginalized and vulnerable groups within society.

Mose called for continued collaboration between the EU and NLAS, highlighting the importance of extending the program to ensure its benefits are experienced nationwide. He confirmed that the Office of the Attorney General is committed to supporting the maintenance of the donated vehicles, which are crucial in advancing the lives of Kenyans through improved access to legal services.

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