
Ethiopia Enhances Global Stature with Active Participation in BRICS

ADDIS ABABA — Since joining the BRICS alliance in January 2024, Ethiopia has actively engaged in the coalition’s meetings, significantly benefitting from this membership through enhanced economic, technological, and global collaborative opportunities.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Ethiopia’s first major participation in a BRICS meeting shortly after its membership commencement has already started to show positive outcomes. The meeting, which focused on common concerns among the member countries, provided Ethiopia with a platform to integrate into the group’s agenda and establish valuable alliances with other nations.

A significant area of gain for Ethiopia is in technology and innovation, sectors where BRICS countries are leading globally. By joining this group, Ethiopia has accessed extensive technological expertise and collaboration opportunities, boosting its own tech capabilities and advancing its digital transformation goals.

During the 10th BRICS Working Group on Security in Information and Communication Technologies held in Moscow, Ethiopia played a crucial role. The country highlighted the importance of international security in information technology and advocated for cooperative measures to prevent cyber threats, aiming to secure a safe digital space globally.

Tigist Hamid, Director General of the Information Network Security Administration, represented Ethiopia at this forum. Hamid emphasized the critical need for rapid adaptation within the rapidly evolving tech landscape to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

The meeting culminated in a robust agreement among the BRICS nations to enhance information security through various initiatives. These include establishing a registry of contact points for cybersecurity incidents and promoting regulatory cooperation. The members also agreed to foster non-military use of ICTs and to strive for equity in the digital realm, echoing their commitment to these principles at the United Nations.

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