Epiphany Conveys Message of Togetherness, Peace: EU Ambassador


Addis Ababa: The commemoration of the feast of Timket, also known as the Baptism of Lord Jesus Christ, brought together people from various cultures and traditions, conveying a message of unity and peace among Ethiopians, according to EU Ambassador to Ethiopia, Sofie From-Emmesberger.

Ambassador Sofie From-Emmesberger joined the diplomatic community in attending the Ethiopian Epiphany celebration held at Jan Meda in Addis Ababa.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, she described Epiphany as a significant religious celebration and tradition that highlights the unity and togetherness among the people of Ethiopia. She emphasized that Ethiopia is a country where different religions, cultures, and traditions have peacefully coexisted for millennia, and the festival underscores the message of peace and coexistence.

The ambassador remarked on the festival’s importance in promoting togetherness through shared meals, ceremonies, and the message of peace. This peaceful coexistence is viewed as a strong foundation for Ethiopia’s sustainable socioeconomic development. Additionally, Timket serves to boost tourism in Ethiopia by attracting tourists from around the world, drawn to the country’s rich cultural heritage and tourist sites such as the renovated National Palace Museum and the Rock-hewn Churches of Lalibela.

Beyond fostering unity among Ethiopians, Ethiopian Epiphany is instrumental in promoting cultural exchanges and people-to-people ties between Ethiopians and international visitors. The ambassador highlighted the significance of such religious and cultural events in strengthening cultural cooperation between Ethiopia and Europe, a key mission of the EU’s embassy.

The EU is committed to deepening EU-Ethiopia relations through various initiatives, including fostering people-to-people connections. Ethiopian Epiphany plays a crucial role in this, enabling individuals to learn about and appreciate each other’s cultures and traditions, thus promoting cultural cooperation.

Ethiopian Epiphany, recognized as a UNESCO-inscribed intangible cultural heritage, is a prominent tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Celebrated nationwide from January 18 to 19, the festival features Tabots, replicas of the Ark of the Covenant, carried in processions by priests from various churches, accompanied by prayers and vibrant cultural performances.