Energy Committee of the House of Representatives studying a response to the statements of (Qais Saeed).

Tripoli, March 18, 2023 (LANA) – The head of the Energy Committee in the House of Representatives, “Issa Al-Arabi,” stated that the committee is studying the statements of the Tunisian President, “Qais Saeed,” yesterday, Friday, about the ”Bouri oil field” and the continental shelf, in order to respond officially to these statements.

This came in a telephone conversation with the Libyan News Agency, in which he stressed that it is not possible to accept or allow prejudice to the wealth of Libya, which belongs to the Libyan people, under any circumstances or any justification.

In turn, the Minister of Oil and Gas in the Government of National Unity, “Mohammed Aoun,” commented on Saeed’s statements, who called for sharing the Bouri oil field, saying that (the case was decided by a ruling from the International Court of Justice).

Aoun explained in a press statement that the ruling was based on a Libyan-Tunisian agreement, and the two parties accepted the ruling, and that the maritime borders between Libya and Tunisia are defined.

The International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled on February 24, 1982, in the Libyan-Tunisian dispute, in favor of Libya with the entire continental shelf, by a majority of 10 votes against (4) votes.

After Tunisia submitted a request to the International Court of Justice in the Hague to reconsider the ruling with a view to amending it, a ruling was issued on December 10, 1985 rejecting the lawsuit, and Tunisia accepted the ruling for the second time.

It is noteworthy that the Tunisian president had stated, during his visit to the headquarters of the Tunisian Petroleum Activities Corporation, two days ago, that (Tunisia did not get from the Bouri field except for a few crumbs, calling for the field to be divided equally between Libya and Tunisia, adding that “the field can secure all the needs of Tunisia and more.” .

Source: Libyan News Agency

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