DRC Bishops Reject Blessings for Homosexual Unions, Citing Christian and African Values

Ouagadougou: The bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have firmly rejected the idea of blessing homosexual couples, aligning their stance with traditional Christian and African values. This decision comes amidst broader discussions within the Catholic Church regarding the treatment of homosexual and irregular unions.

According to Burkina Information Agency, in a statement dated December 23, 2023, the bishops responded to the notion raised by Pope Francis about the potential blessing of homosexual couples and those in irregular situations. The prelates explicitly stated their opposition to any form of blessing for same-sex couples, considering such unions as deviant from the order of creation and against the teachings of the Holy Scripture, which they described as serious depravities and abominations.

The Congolese bishops advised ordained ministers, catechists, and pastoral animators against providing blessings in liturgical contexts to man and woman couples in irregular situations as well, citing the potential for confusion and misinterpretation of such blessings as equivalent to the sacrament of marriage.

The bishops emphasized their crucial role in preserving the faith and culture of their people, in line with the principle of synodality. They called on the faithful of the Church-Family of God in the DRC to maintain their commitment to Christ and to uphold their Christian and African values.

Despite their stance, the bishops of the DRC reaffirmed their unwavering attachment to Pope Francis, the Successor of Peter, highlighting their continued allegiance to the broader teachings and leadership of the Catholic Church.

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