Double Commemoration in Ouagadougou Marks Work Safety Day and African Day for Prevention of Occupational Risks

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – Burkina Faso observed the 22nd World Day for Safety and Health at Work and the 28th African Day for the Prevention of Occupational Risks with a joint commemorative event in Ouagadougou on Tuesday. The ceremonies, which drew attention to the impacts of climate change and the need for enhanced safety protocols in high-risk sectors, were chaired by Hamidou Sawadogo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Protection.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Director General of Social Protection, the convergence of these themes highlights the urgent need to craft new strategies for workplace safety and health, especially within the informal sector and among self-employed individuals. Kobanka underscored the significance of these strategies by referencing recent catastrophic incidents, including the flooding at Perkoa mine and structural collapses at Donsin airport, Norbert Zongo University in Koudougou, and various sites in Ouagadougou.

The event also served as a platform for Kobanka to call upon stakeholders to enhance efforts in preventing workplace hazards continuously. The Secretary General conveyed the state’s commitment to reducing workplace accidents and illnesses, relayed in a speech on behalf of Bassolma Bazié, the Minister of State.

Activities scheduled for the commemoration included employer and worker training sessions, workplace visits, radio programs, film screenings, stakeholder consultations, and a cross-country run aimed at raising awareness about occupational safety.