Development Partners Reaffirm Commitment to Supporting Ethiopia’s Economic Transformation.


Addis Ababa: Development partners expressed commitment to continue supporting for Ethiopia’s long-term ambition of economic transformation. A high level dialogue convened today with development partners to advance Ethiopia’s long-term economic transformation agenda with the presence of Minister of Planning and Development Fistum Asefa, Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide, ambassadors, heads of UN agencies, representatives of international organizations, members of the diplomatic corps, civil society representatives, among others.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the dialogue underlined enhanced collaboration and engagement of development partners to support Ethiopia’s long-term economic transformation. Planning and Development Minister Fitsum Assefa provided updates on outcomes of Ethiopia’s comprehensive macroeconomic reforms, highlighting successes made challenges encountered in infrastructure, agriculture, industry and tourism sectors over the past six years. For sustainability, she mentioned further suppo
rt required from development partners to overcome the challenges.

At the occasion, various development partners commended the Ethiopian government’s efforts for taking macroeconomic measures aimed at fostering sustainable development. UN Resident Coordinator Ramiz Alakbarov noted that Ethiopia’s strategic policies create a conducive environment for sustainable development. He expressed the UN’s commitment to collaborating with Ethiopia’s initiatives in digital technology, agriculture, renewable energy, and the likes.

Ashley Mulrney, Co-Chair of the Canadian Development Partners Group, comprising 35 partners, affirmed its dedication to working alongside Ethiopia in achieving its long-term development aspirations. Resident Representative for UNDP Samuel Doe in Ethiopia, on his part, emphasized Ethiopia’s ongoing economic reforms will drive significant change and reiterated his commitment to supporting initiatives that engage the private sector, particularly small and medium enterprises.

He also highlighted U
NDP’s focus on strengthening cooperation in policy issues, education, and other critical areas. Vinayak Nagaraj, a senior economist at the World Bank in Ethiopia, on his part underscored Ethiopia’s vast potential in manufacturing, agriculture, services, and trade, among other sectors, reaffirming the World Bank’s commitment to supporting Ethiopia in its agenda of long-term economic transformation.