Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andreas Katsaniotis’ statement at the reception of the Consul General in Mariupol, Manolis Androulakis in Athens (20.03. 2022)


I welcome home the Consul General in Mariupol, Mr. Manolis Androulakis.

On behalf of the Greek Government and all Greeks, I would like to thank him for the great work he did in Mariupol. He went above and beyond to be close to the Diaspora Greeks until the very last moment.

Seeing what is happening right now in the cities of Ukraine, you all realize that Mr. Androulakis, Ambassador Mr. Kostellenos and the Consul General in Odessa carried out six successful operations for the evacuation of Greek citizens and Diaspora Greeks. We express our deepest gratitude to them.

The Greek government is in contact with both sides as well as with International Organizations to protect civilians in Ukraine and of course, the Diaspora Greeks, to whom we will stand by both now and after the end of the war.

Thank you very much, Mr. Androulakis. You made us really proud.