CSC Engages with Communication Students from Aube Nouvelle University in Ouagadougou

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso – The Higher Communication Council (CSC) hosted an informative session for members of the Communication Club from Aube Nouvelle University on April 5, 2024.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the President of the Club, the aim of the visit was to familiarize students with the CSC, Burkina Faso’s regulatory body for public communication.

The CSC’s communications department detailed the visit’s itinerary, beginning with a warm reception in the monitoring room led by Clémence Congo, the Head of the Monitoring Department, and her team. This introduction provided the students with an insight into the CSC’s media surveillance and monitoring operations. Following this, the group moved to the conference room, where Évelyne Myrianne Millogo, the Director of Media Monitoring, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the CSC’s missions, responsibilities, and operational challenges in regulating and promoting media within the country.

The session also included a question-and-answer segment, offering students a deeper understanding of the CSC’s pivotal role in enforcing communication legislation and regulations in Burkina Faso. To conclude the visit, Ghildas Ouédraogo, the director of communications and public relations at the CSC, presented the students with a collection of documents intended to enhance their library and serve as a valuable resource for all students.

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