Civil Societies Push For Policy Formulation To Manage E-Waste

Some environmentalists and civil society organisations (CSOs) have urged the Homa Bay County government to strengthen measures meant to manage electronic waste. Led by the county CSO representative Josephine Atieno, they said there was need for policy formulation by the county government to tackle e-waste. Atieno said uncontrolled disposal of e-waste was a threat to human health. Homa Bay director of climate change Roy Odongo urged manufacturers of electronic appliances to produce durable and recyclable products. ‘Manufacturers should ensure they don’t make short-lived items which cannot be repaired,’ Odongo said. He urged residents to be keen on the authenticity of electronic goods they buy. Speaking in Homa Bay town during a press briefing on Thursday, Odongo said introduction of e-waste guidelines will streamline the handling and disposal of e-waste generated by various sectors. ‘The policy will ensure the wastes are used for producing clean energy in a bid to reduce pollution of the environment,’ he said. The climate activist expressed concern that lack of policy had led to haphazard disposing of obsolete electronic devices. Some electronic wastes that are carelessly disposed include solar lamps, solar panels, mobile phones, laptops among others. The civil society organisations argued that the used gadgets are causing serious environmental degradation. Odongo said the electronic wastes contributed to climate change in the county. ‘Improper disposal of electronic wastes is harmful to human life. These wastes cause harm since they are washed to water bodies, farms and other places where human activities take place,’ Odongo said. The CSOs urged Homa Bay government to fast-track policy formulation to ensure the environment is protected by proper disposal of electronic wastes. They said they are ready to participate in developing such a policy to protect the lives of residents. ‘We all support clean energy produced by e-materials but the way such materials are disposed make it very dangerous to our environment,’ Odongo added.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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