Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s Development Vision Gains Ground in Burkina Faso.


Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso has entered a new phase of its development or at least a political and economic renewal that takes into account the real aspirations of the people, since the advent of the Patriotic Movement for the Preservation and Restoration (MPSR)2 led by the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. “We have our plans, our methods and our partners,” he said in the early days of his governance. Far from being demagogy, these words find their echoes in the concrete actions carried out on the ground.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the real actors are the Burkinabés themselves. In terms of security, the massive recruitment of 90,000 Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) is evidence of the unprecedented popular mobilization against the forces of evil. This initiative has made it possible to establish VDP brigades in almost all the communes in order to fight against the terrorist hydra.

At the same time, Rapid Intervention Battalions (BIR) were created and are now operational
, strengthening the national defense capacity. The least we can say is that the Burkinabe have decided to take their destiny in hand and fight to liberate their homeland.

In an effort to reduce economic dependence, Captain Traoré launched an ambitious national crowdfunding program. As part of this initiative, fundraising and voluntary levies were introduced. The recent inauguration of the tomato processing plant in Bobo-Dioulasso is a testament to the realization of a vision focused on endogenous development. This project, and others in the pipeline, aim to reduce the trade balance deficit while creating wealth and jobs.

The popular shareholding model successfully mobilized over 7.5 billion FCFA in just 462 days, allowing the people to develop their own industrial unit using local raw materials like tomatoes. This innovative economic model stands in contrast to classic models and represents a doctrine that will need protection.

The government’s agro-sylvo-pastoral offensive marks another significant step i
n national development. By providing tractors to producers free of charge, agricultural yields have seen substantial increases, positioning Burkinabe agriculture as a potential driver of growth.

Additionally, the government is exploring new ways to optimize human resources, such as involving prisoners in productive work. This approach not only utilizes available labor but also contributes to the nation’s development.

On the diplomatic front, Burkina Faso is forging sincere, win-win partnerships, including with states that were previously disparaged. These strategic alliances have equipped the country with the resources necessary for securing its territory.

The success of these reforms is attributed to President Traoré and his main support: the people who share his vision. By leveraging a strategy based on endogenous solutions, Burkina Faso is writing a new chapter in its history.