Burkinabe Writer Pays Tribute to President Traoré in New Novel.


Ouagadougou: Through his latest novel, “Captain Ibrahim or the Rebel Warrior,” young Burkinabe writer Yaya Ouédraogo offers a tribute to Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the President of Faso. Ouédraogo regards Traoré as a beacon of hope for the youth of Burkina Faso and Africa, praising his commitment to genuine sovereignty.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Ouédraogo, also a third-year philosophy student at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, discussed the novel during an interview. The 180-page book, published in October 2024, outlines Captain Traoré’s significant actions, particularly emphasizing his fight against corruption, good governance, and terrorism.

Ouédraogo highlights Traoré’s distinctiveness from his predecessors, noting his commitment and pragmatic approach to achieving tangible results. He remarked on Traoré’s determination and effective decision-making as crucial elements of his leadership.

Published by Accès Succès International, the novel is available at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University’s library and c
an be purchased directly from the author for 4,000 FCFA. Ouédraogo encourages the Burkinabe population to stay hopeful, believing that the current authorities will lead the country to triumph over terrorism. He emphasized that throughout history, the people have always emerged victorious over their adversaries.

In addition to this latest work, Yaya Ouédraogo has authored three other novels: “The Miraculous,” “The Tragic Destiny of President Tinga,” and “The Tears of Tiraogo, the Civil Servant,” all published by Éditions Accès Succès International.