Burkina: The winner of the 3rd prize of the Head of State at FESPACO 2023 receives two million

Dramane Ouédraogo, winner of the 3rd prize of the Head of State with his film “Milla as far as the night lasts”, received Wednesday in Ouagadougou, the sum of two million FCFA, hands of the Director General of the Burkinabe Bureau of Copyright (BBDA), Ahmed known as Patindeda Patric Laga.

“It must be said that the ceremony that brings us together this morning is recognition of a job very well done on the occasion of the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou, for which Mr. Ouédraogo was awarded the 3rd President’s Prize. of Faso”, declared the director general of the BBDA, Ahmed dit Patindeda Patric Laga.

According to Patindeda Patric Laga, what Dramane Ouédraogo has achieved contributes to advancing the missions of the BBDA, which is to collect, distribute and pay the rights of the creators of works and the spirit.

“Mr. Ouédraogo, champion of the day, allow me to salute the very well done job that you have demonstrated through your film; which caught the attention of the jury responsible for awarding and giving the awards on behalf of the President of Faso for FESPACO 2023,” he said.

Ahmed dit Patindeda Patric Laga added that the Burkinabe Copyright Office (BBDA) celebrates its members who shine in major competitions, which is why they did not remain silent following the success of director Dramane Ouédraogo here present at FESPACO 2023.

The CEO of the BBDA congratulated the winner as well as the members of the jury who worked hard to decide between the competitors.

He also thanked the organizing committee of this edition of FESPACO who knew how to meet the challenges until the end.

“It’s a prize that I receive with great pleasure. For me, this award is an invitation to do better because some don’t know that, basically I’m an actor and I tried my hand at directing through this film,” said winner Dramane Ouédraogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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