Burkina: Social facts, advertising and support for victims of terrorism highlighted in daily newspapers


the Burkinabè press this Wednesday evokes various subjects including the establishment of an advertising regulatory body, the visit of the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) to the parents of the victims of Karma, without forgetting facts of society.

L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, features on its front page: “National Police: An individual apprehended with more than 700 kg of Indian hemp”.

The Bobolais newspaper reports that the apprehended individual was traveling solo and that his modus operandi essentially consisted of concealing narcotics by exchange with mopeds in places where purchases or deliveries take place.

For its part, L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of private dailies in Burkina Faso, through its ”Health Notebook” gives the floor to Dr Clément Thiombiano who talks about the crises of adolescence, believing that “it is a phase where we can make the best or the worst decisions”.

In its section ”Révélations”, the private newspaper Le Pays reads: “Dédougou: A student dies following an abortion attempt”.

For its part, the national daily Sidwaya, under the title: “Unwanted pregnancies: The distress of rejected girls”, evokes through a report, a social phenomenon, in the Koudougou area, Center-West region of Burkina Faso .

In another register, Sidwaya mentions on his headline: “Drama of Karma: Dr Ousmane Bougouma comforts the parents of the victims”.

To this end, the newspaper informs that the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Dr. Ousmane Bougouma visited customary and religious communities in the North region on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 in Ouahigouya.

Sidwaya points out that according to Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, the visit aims to solicit their mobilization from the leaders to put an end to this war which has been imposed on Burkinabè.

In the same vein, the private daily Le Pays underlines that in all humility, Dr. Ousmane Bougouma says he came with a delegation from the ALT and the regional authorities, to bring their support, their solidarity and their compassion to the bereaved families.

As for Today in Faso, a private daily, it devotes its headline to the contribution to the war effort, posting: “The FDS struck off in 2011 hand over 127,000 CFA francs to the Minister of State, Basolma Bazié”.

Meanwhile, Le Pays mentions that for the socio-political crises that have occurred in Burkina, the sum of 10 billion FCFA will be mobilized “to compensate the victims and the beneficiaries of victims”.

On another angle, Le Pays writes on its first page: “Advertising sector in Burkina: Actors for the establishment of a regulatory body”.

The newspaper reports that the need to create self-regulation of advertising has been expressed for several weeks with the Superior Council of Communication (CSC).

And to underline that “it is in this sense that the CSC initiated a reflection workshop on self-regulation, on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, within the said institution”.

The private daily emphasizes that two communications were on the menu of these exchanges, namely “the question of the limits of the regulation of advertising” and on “what framework for effective self-regulation of advertising”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency