Burkina Prime Minister Applauds Students for Choosing Agriculture Careers

OUAGADOUGOU – Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla expressed his approval on Friday for students who have chosen to work in the agriculture sector. His remarks came during a visit to Bagré in the Centre-East region of the country and were cited by the Burkina Information Agency.

According to News Releases by Burkina Information Agency, The Prime Minister emphasized the value of agricultural work compared to administrative roles that, according to him, are less impactful. “Instead of jostling in recruitment offices just for administrative work which doesn’t lead to much, here we have the concrete. That is to say the work which nourishes its man and which leads students to autonomy and self-employment,” said Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla.

He also encouraged all Burkinabè to engage in agrosylvopastoral work, stating, “The earth does not bind. When you give yourself to her, she responds favorably.” Prime Minister Kyelem de Tambèla concluded by highlighting the need to harness the country’s “dormant potentials” to transform Burkina Faso into an agrosylvopastoral and industrial nation.

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