Burkina: Media, appointment and trial on the menu of Burkinabe dailies

Today’s dailies deal with the suspension of LCI TV by the CSC, the appointment of Atéridar Galip Somé as CEO of RTB and the testimony of Apollinaire Compaoré and Mahamadou Bonkoungou at trial Vincent Dabilgou.

The newspaper of all Burkinabè Sidwaya mentions on its front page: “Vincent Dabilgou trial: EBOMAF and Apollinaire Compaoré deny having financed the NTD campaign”.

The newspaper informs that the Vincent Dabilgou trial continued, yesterday Thursday June 29, 2023 with the hearing of a dozen witnesses including Burkinabè economic operators, Apollinaire Compaoré, president of Burkinabè employers and Mahamadou Bonkoungou, Chairman and CEO of the EBOMAF group.

On this same subject, the private daily newspaper Le Pays titles on its front page: “Testimony of the boss of the EBOMAF group at the trial of Vincent Dabilgou: I do not donate to support politics but…”.

The newspaper indicates that Mahamadou Bonkoungou, CEO of the EBOMAF group declared, “I did not support Mr. Dabilgou, neither in cash nor in other forms”.

“He may have received donations but 20 million FCFA, no,” added Mahamadou Bonkoungou, CEO of the EBOMAF group.

For him, he does not make donations to support politics but he makes donations of generosity.

From another angle, the dean of the private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, mentions on its front page: “Ministry of Communication: Galip Somé, new CEO of the RTB”.

The newspaper reports that the Council of Ministers was held on Thursday, June 29, 2023, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of the Transition.

It deliberated on the issues on its agenda, heard oral communications, made appointments.

On this same subject, the private daily newspaper Le Pays adds that Mr Atéridar Galip Somé, advisor in information and communication sciences and techniques, has been appointed Director General of the RTB.

Under another aspect, L’Observateur Paalga titles on its headline “Higher Council of Communication: LCI suspended for 3 months”.

For the private newspaper Le Pays, this decision was justified by the remarks made on April 25, 2023, by the journalist Abnousse Shalmani, during the program “24h Pujadas, the info in question”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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