Burkina: A humanitarian NGO equips the Bogodogo hospital with a borehole equipped with a water tower

The Kuwaiti NGO Direct Aid, on Wednesday, provided the Bogodogo University Hospital Center (CHU-B) with a borehole equipped with a water tower worth more than of 21 million CFA francs, in order to compensate for the cuts in running water encountered by this health establishment.

“The problem of water is acute in our hospital. With this water tower and its flow of 10 cubic meters, the water problem now at the Bogodogo University Hospital Center (CHU-B) will decrease considerably, “said the Director General (DG) of CHU-B, Seydou Number.

For him, the borehole equipped with a water tower, worth more than 21 million CFA francs, is the work of the NGO Direct Aid, a Kuwaiti humanitarian development structure.

Mr. Nombré spoke on Wednesday in Ouagadougou, in the premises of his health establishment, during a ceremony for the reception of a borehole, carried out by the Kuwaiti humanitarian NGO, Direct Aid.

The DG of CHU-B specified that his health structure has established a partnership with the NGO for better quality health services for the benefit of the populations.

Seydou Nombré explained that the realization of the hydraulic infrastructure started from a finding of the lack of water in 2022 at the CHU-B, from a user in the person of El Hadj Ilboudo whose 15-year-old child, then victim of an accident.

According to him, El Hadj Ilboudo, working with partners in the humanitarian sector, is asking them for support in terms of drinking water for the Bogodogo hospital and the NGO Direct Aid has given its agreement for the construction of the castle of ‘water.

“I would like to commit you to the proper use and maintenance of the work that will be offered to us,” he told the staff.

The first manager of CHU-B also pleaded for the resolution of the sanitation problems, the repair of the waste water evacuation channels and the resolution of the rising odors.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Dr Estelle Dabiré/Dembélé, stressed that the work will undoubtedly put an end to the numerous pressure drops and water cuts that the hospital is experiencing.

According to her, the support of the NGO Direct Aid will improve the quality and safety of care to the happiness of the beneficiary populations.

“I invite you to make good use of it. Make a firm commitment to its management and maintenance through your competent structures in order to derive the most benefit from it in the long term”, urged Dr Estelle Dabiré/Dembélé.

The acting Country representative of the NGO Direct Aid, Amrani Abdel Hakim, noted that the hydraulic structure of more than 21 million FCFA completes the list of boreholes that its structure has carried out throughout the national territory.

In her opinion, since 1986, the date of the installation of the humanitarian structure in Burkina, she has been able to carry out 2,000 boreholes for the benefit of urban and rural populations.

Amrani Abdel Hakim also indicated that the NGO Direct Aid, intervenes in the fields of social, education and hydraulics in Burkina.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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