Boulgou: Nationals of Bittou offer 1.6 million FCFA to relatives of the fallen FDS and VDP

Nationals of Bittou made a donation in cash and in kind worth 1,600,000 FCFA to the orphans and widows of the FDS and VDP fallen at the front, on Saturday July 15, 2023 in the room of the new youth center in Bittou.

This gift from daughters and sons from Bittou living abroad was delivered to the new room of the Bittou youth center, in the presence of the prefect, president of the special delegation of the municipality of Bittou, young people and the populations of Bittu.

The donor representative, Arrouna Zanné, on behalf of the latter, expressed his thanks and congratulations to the entire population of Bittou, to the FDS and VDP, and to all the other actors, in particular the media, who have done a tremendous job. for the reconquest of the national territory.

He promised that other actions will follow and hoped that other people would follow suit.

The prefect, president of the special delegation of Bittou Mohamed Lamine DIABATE welcomed the gesture.

According to him, thanks to the efforts of the FDS and VDP, Bittou is freed from its abyss with the cultural and sports activities carried out by young people

Source: Burkina Information Agency