Banwa: The situation of IDPs at the heart of discussions

Members of the Provincial Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Committee (COPROSUR) discussed on Monday, June 12, 2023, the situation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Solenzo.

The High Commissioner of Banwa Province (Boucle du Mouhoun) and President of the Provincial Committee for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (COPROSUR) discussed on Monday June 12, 2023 in Solenzo, with members of the structure on the situation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), with a view to finding solutions to help them.

To this end, the head of the province invited the provincial director of humanitarian action, national solidarity, gender and the Banwa family to present the situation of internally displaced persons and express their needs.

The provincial director explained that since the return of the public administration, a work of enumeration followed by registration is done every day in Solenzo.

According to his explanations, the total number of IDPs counted greatly exceeds that of registered persons, because according to him, given the complexity of the work and the lack of personnel, it is difficult for an agent to register more than 30 people per day.

“To date the Humanitarian Action department has been able to count 33,772 people but we have been able to register 4,356 people, but you should know that several people have neither been registered nor counted. Some people also refuse our service, because even being IDPs they are self-sufficient”, he added.

For him, the members of COPROSUR are wondering about such a workforce because some municipalities and some villages have been cleared out.

“When an IDP arrives in a host locality, she is considered as an IDP of this locality and not where she left, that’s why we have this number and we must sensitize people to come and be counted”, said he added.

According to the provincial director in charge of Humanitarian Action, several needs were mentioned, namely the need for food, because several people fled the villages leaving food behind.

According to him, 3 households of several people often find themselves in living rooms, the belongings and the children are inside and the adults sleep outside, all of which translates into a glaring problem of shelter for IDPs.

Members of COPROSUR also called on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and goodwill to support IDPs in Banwa province who are going through difficult times.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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