Angolan National Assembly Speaker Calls for Tougher Penalties for Crimes Against Women

Luanda, Angola – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, has strongly advocated for the need to increase penalties for sexual offenses and aggression against women. Her call for more severe punishments aligns with the observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination and Violence against Women.

According to Angola Press News Agency, the persistence of such practices in the 21st century, where girls are still deprived of education, forced into early marriages, and subjected to various forms of abuse, is unacceptable. She noted that these situations often escalate to femicide.

In her message marking the day, Cerqueira linked the prevalence of violence against women to economic and social causes, as well as deep-rooted prejudices within certain communities. She emphasized how these factors contribute to situations where women are subjected to forced submission and ongoing violence.

The Speaker called on public institutions to actively investigate and penalize social practices that violate women’s rights, including domestic violence. She urged society to consistently report cases of discrimination and violence against women and girls.

Cerqueira highlighted the crucial role of women parliamentarians in advocating for women’s rights through specialized working committees and the Group of Women Parliamentarians. She proposed multiplying initiatives for permanent education to foster a culture that defends women’s rights.

The Speaker underscored the importance of creating a platform of local and national databases against violence towards women and young girls. This, she suggested, could be achieved through collaboration with public and private institutions, as well as civil society organizations.

As legislators, Cerqueira stressed the need to ensure a female perspective in adopting legal frameworks to prevent and combat violence against women. This includes not only toughening penalties for sexual offenses and aggression but also approving gender-sensitive budgets.

During the 16 days of activism against gender violence, Cerqueira hopes that women parliamentarians will contribute to implementing national actions related to Angola’s international commitments to protect women’s political, economic, social, and cultural rights. She believes that these efforts are essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 5, which focuses on gender equality.

Expressing solidarity with all women facing discrimination, Carolina Cerqueira emphasized the need for society to change its outlook and stop penalizing women merely for their gender.

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence is an annual global campaign that seeks to address violence against women and girls. It spans from November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to December 10, International Human Rights Day.

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