Angola participates in the IV African Cinema exhibit in Brazil

Angola is due to take part in the 4th African Cinema exhibition in Brazil, organised by the Faculty of Letters of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) of that South American country, to be held from March 22 to 25.

A statement from the Angolan Embassy in Brazil says that the event will show films such as “Air Conditioned”, by Fradique Bastos, “Na Cidade Vazia”, by Maria João Ganga, “Vou Mudar a Cozinha”, by Ondjaki, “Nossa Senhora da Loja do Chinês”, directed by Ery Claver and produced by Jorge Cohen.

The films “Carnaval da Vitória”, by Guilherme Resende Machado, “O Balanço do Tempo na Cena de Angola”, by Rui Duarte de Carvalho and “Lúcia no Céu com Semáforo”, by Ery Clever and Grete Marin, are also on the programme.

The event will also present the book “Cinografia Angolana ”, by Ana Paula Tavares, Carmen Secco, Fradique Bastos, Jorge Cohen and Ery Clever, as well as a lecture on Angolan cinema.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

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