ANAVE Aims to Create National Chicken Consortium in Huambo


Huambo: Huambo province is seeking self-sufficiency in poultry and eggs with the creation of a national chicken consortium in February, according to the region’s representative in the National Association of Poultry Farmers (ANAVE), Agripina Mateus. The initiative aligns with government strategies to reduce imports of food that can be produced in Angola.

According to Angola Press News Agency, Agripina Mateus stated that Huambo province currently controls about 35 poultry farms. However, many of these farms face challenges due to the lack of quality raw materials and feed necessary to enhance production. The proposed consortium is expected to address these issues, supporting farmers who manage broilers and layers with different needs.

Mateus highlighted that the initiative aims to foster unity among producers and improve the production chain, particularly in Huambo province. She shared details about her aviary in the community of Calima, Huambo municipality, which has a capacity to produce 20,000 eggs per day. The facility spans 900 hectares and includes five pavilions that house 32,000 birds.

The project, which kicked off in 2014 with funding from Angola Investe, currently employs 46 workers who care for 26,000 hens, maintaining an average daily production of 20,000 eggs.