Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ statements following his meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides (Limassol, 27.10.2021)


Following his meeting today with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, made the following statement:

“I am glad to be in Cyprus and of course, I’ve had the even greater pleasure of talking, but also of participating with my friend Nikos, in today’s event in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe. This is an initiative so that Europe opens up to its citizens and gives them the floor, because during this process the political leaderships, but above all Brussels, should remain silent and let the voice of European citizens and especially of young people be heard on which Europe we want.

At the same time, as we always do, we had the opportunity to exchange views on the security issues that concern us, on the course of the national issue, the Cyprus issue.

Tomorrow is a National Holiday for us, the national anniversary of OXI Day, which is celebrated with pomp and circumstance in Cyprus, showing that when Hellenism is determined it can achieve miracles. Thus, united and always in common line, we firmly face the Turkish provocations at all levels, whether they are in the field of migration or in unilateral actions in the Southeastern Mediterranean and the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus, or of course regarding the issue of extensive armament and provocations.

We have managed through many years of diplomatic contacts to have effectively organized a network of friends, contacts and allies who understand the common security problem. We will not stop saying that we want the Turkish side to return to the negotiating table, lowering the bar of their expectations and, of course, above all, demonstrating respect for International Law and the resolutions of the UN Security Council, without the framework of which there can be neither peaceful nor beneficial coexistence “.

Earlier, the Alternate Minister, together with the Cypriot Foreign Minister Mr. Christodoulides, participated in a public discussion titled “The Dialogue on Europe and the Role of Youth: Regional Dimensions, Challenges and Prospects “, organized in Limassol by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus in collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

At that event, Mr. Varvitsiotis spoke about the challenges EU and especially the Southeastern Mediterranean face, both at the geopolitical level and in areas such as climate change and the energy crisis, the strategic autonomy of the EU, migration etc. The Alternate Minister underscored that “Greece, Cyprus and other countries can have common agendas because we face problems of such kind that we cannot see Europe in one-dimensional terms, that is, only in relation to our national issues”. Speaking about the energy crisis and the way it is linked to the transition to a green economy, Mr. Varvitsiotis stressed that in all European leaders’ minds, the Southeastern Mediterranean is for the first time on the map as an alternative source of gas and energy supply on the whole”.

Frixos Savvides, President of the Board of the Cyprus University of Technology addressed the discussion while keynote speakers were the Cypriot Foreign Minister Mr. Christodoulides, the Rector of the Cyprus University of Technology, Professor Panayiotis Zaphiris and Stelios Perrakis, President of the Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations.

On the National Holiday, October 28, Mr. Varvitsiotis will attend the customary student parade and immediately afterwards he will pay a visit to the Hellenic Force in Cyprus (ELDYK). During his visit to Cyprus, the Alternate Minister will also have a meeting with the President of the Democratic Rally of Cyprus, Mr. Averof Neofytou.