AIB Chairwoman Urges Promotion of Burkina Faso’s Voice Internationally.


Ouagadougou: The very first Chairwoman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Burkina Information Agency (AIB), Ms. Batouré Lamizana, on Monday invited the agency to promote the voice of Burkina Faso internationally, by highlighting the country’s struggles, hopes, and successes. ‘Our stories must not only reflect the reality of our country by highlighting our struggles, our hopes and our successes, but also promote the voice of Burkina Faso internationally,’ said Ms. Lamizana.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the AIB must also contribute to strengthening national resilience by relaying constructive content that mobilizes citizens around the values of solidarity, peace, and unity. Ms. Lamizana spoke on Monday, December 2, 2024, at the end of the official ceremony of her installation as head of the AIB board of directors. This ceremony was chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Communication, Mr. Fidèle Tamini.

‘Our mission is not limited to informing. We must also combat disinf
ormation, rumors and false information that undermine social cohesion and weaken the country’s stabilization efforts,’ added Ms. Lamizana. For her, the success of these missions necessarily involves the drafting of an editorial charter which will establish the credibility of the AIB and demonstrate its commitment to rigorous and ethical information.

Drafting an editorial line is also a priority to differentiate the agency from other media players and strengthen its identity with its audience, she said. Ms. Lamizana invited all stakeholders to work to make AIB a model of excellence and integrity. “Each of us, at our level, contributes to the essential mission that is ours: to enlighten, inform and unite,” she insisted.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Communication, Mr. Fidèle Tamini, congratulated Ms. Lamizana on her appointment and encouraged AIB staff to fully adhere to the vision of the new management team. Ms. Batouré Lamizana, Advisor on Information Science and Technology, was app
ointed by the Council of Ministers on November 20, 2024. She chairs a board of directors composed of nine members appointed for a three-year term.