MEC Mbali Hlophe head community outreach programme in City of Tshwane, 21-23 Oct

MEC Mbali Hlophe to head community outreach programme in the City of Tshwane

Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, Mbali Hlophe, will, this week, continue with the department’s community outreach programme now targeting Tshwane. 

From Thursday, 21 October to Saturday 23 October 2021, the MEC will lead activities including Hanyani Health and Vaccination drive; a Film Workshop, Community Games and more in the various communities throughout Tshwane.  

The MEC will also use the programme to encourage the public to vaccinate. Gauteng government is on a campaign to get residents to vaccinate by mid-December. 

According to MEC Hlophe “it is important for the sectors of sport and creative industries to lead in getting more people to vaccinate. This will lead to further easing of regulations and allow for fans and people into the stadiums and festivals among others”. 

Source: Government of South Africa

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