In Numbers
225 mt of food assistance distributed in May to 6,927 DRC refugees in the province of Luanda Norte
350,000 children under 5 screened for malnutrition in Luanda Province in FebruaryApril, and around 8,000 received supplements for moderate acute malnutrition at the community level
US$ 3.7 million six-month (July–December 2021) funding shortfall
6 million people with insufficient food consumption, according to mobile vulnerability analysis and mapping
Operational Updates
Refugee Response
• WFP and partners conducted a general food distribution in May reaching 6,927 refugees with 225 MT of food commodities (maize meal, split peas, vegetable oil, salt).
• Currently the funding requirements for refugee response activities are covered until December 2021, including through internal funds.
• WFP and UNHCR developed a Joint Livelihoods Concept, to support interventions for refugees to increase their selfreliance in the medium term. The start of these activities was initially scheduled for July 2021 but is being postponed due to lack of funds.
• A Joint WFP-UNHCR Food Security and Nutrition Assessment is planned for August, in order to gather updated data on the food security and nutrition status of the beneficiaries in Lóvua Settlement.
Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping
• Despite a significant increase in precipitation in March-May, the performance of the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign remains compromised, as the rains of the past months did not help to recover the crops lost due to the long dry period.
• WFP and partners, including FAO and UNICEF, are supporting the food security and nutrition assessment in Cunene, Huila and Namibe as baseline for the EU-funded FRESAN project. The data collection was completed at the beginning of May, and the data processing is now ongoing. The final report on the number of acutely food insecure people, including through IPC analysis and current rates of acute malnutrition, is expected in mid-July.
• WFP is also working with the Government to organize a SMART survey in Benguela and Huambo provinces in July 2021 and support UNICEF in the SMART survey in Cunene and Huíla.
• WFP plans to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in setting-up a provincial Food Security and Nutrition Working Group in Cuando Cubango funded by SADC/RVAA programme. The group will be trained on food security and nutrition data collection, analysis, monitoring and reporting.
Source: World Food Programme