Mozambique – Update, Northern Mozambique Situation, 10 – 25 July 2021


Since January 2021, 10,000 Mozambicans have been refouled from Tanzania.

As of July, according to IOM’s Emergency Tracking Tool some 100,000 people have been on the move from Palma due to ongoing attacks and insecurity fostered by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in that district.

IOM’s Data Tracking Mechanism as of April notes 732,000 persons are displaced in the provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Niassa and Zambezia as a result of violence and armed conflict in Cabo Delgado.

Situation update

• Joint Communique by ACHPR and UNHCR on Mozambique’s displacement crisis and forced returns from Tanzania: After several reports of forced returns of Mozambicans seeking refuge in Tanzania, a Joint Communiqué by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), the Special Rapporteur on refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants in Africa, Ms. Maya Sahli Fadel, and UNHCR regarding Mozambique’s displacement crisis and forced returns from Tanzania, was issued on 15 July. The three parties appealed for those fleeing the conflict in Cabo Delgado to have access to territory and asylum as some 10,000 Mozambicans have been refouled from Tanzania since January 2021.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees


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