Government Communication hosts dialogue on challenging culture of toxic masculinity, 16 Nov

Challenging the culture of toxic masculinity to combat violence

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and the Department of Social Development (DSD) are hosting a conversation on challenging the culture of toxic masculinity to combat violence.

The engagement, hosted under the theme: “Moving from toxic masculinity to positive masculinity”, seeks to highlight the role that the culture of toxic masculinity has in perpetuating Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF).

South Africa is experiencing a pandemic of GBVF and efforts are being made by government and civil society to educate communities and individuals on matters related to reporting, prevention and empowerment.

These efforts include sensitising men, women and children on some of the societal norms that continue to contribute to the GBFV scourge.

Through this webinar the GCIS and DSD are implementing the social behavioural change goals outlined National Strategic Plan on GBVF adopted by Cabinet in 2020.

Source: Government of South Africa

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