Zoundwéogo Students Receive Advocacy and Communication Training

MANGA – Fifty students from the communes of Guiba and Gogo, active members of school governments in the Zoundwéogo province, attended a two-day workshop focusing on the enhancement of communication and advocacy techniques.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the workshop took place in Manga between October 31 and November 1, 2023, aimed at improving the advocacy and communication skills of students from primary and post-primary educational institutions. Aimée Yaméogo, the executive secretary of AZLY, inaugurated the session, noting that it forms a critical part of the “At school with complete peace of mind” program, backed financially and technically by the Dutch Kinderpostzegels foundation.

The training encompassed thematic presentations, the sharing of experiences, collaborative group activities, and workshops that facilitated a dynamic and interactive learning environment, as described by the workshop’s facilitator, Emile Ouédraogo. This educational method was geared towards engaging students in the principles and practices of effective advocacy and lobbying.

Participants received updates on advocacy techniques, reinforcing their understanding of how to carry out advocacy actions and the crucial role of communication in these processes. The aim was to equip them with the necessary tools for impactful participation in the advocacy efforts related to their schools’ governance.

The students expressed that the workshop was instrumental, enabling them to be more effective in advocacy roles within their educational communities. They highlighted the significance of these skills in building solidarity among students and securing support from educational authorities and community leaders to address issues that impact academic success, such as insecurity and the unstable conditions of family life.

Ultimately, the workshop is a strategic component of the broader “At school with complete peace of mind” program, which aims to empower children to support one another and maximize their educational opportunities by the end of 2024. The program advocates for a symbiotic relationship between participation, education, and empowerment, aiming to instill a transformative quality in student participation and resilience.

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