ZOUNDWÉOGO — The Day of the African Child was observed in Zoundwéogo province on Friday, albeit a day later than the usual June 16 observance, with a series of awareness activities focused on children’s rights, sexual and reproductive health, and child labor issues.
According to Burkina Information Agency, the delay was due to the coinciding Muslim festival of Tabaski. The event, which commemorates the 1976 massacre of protesting children in Soweto, took place in Gogo and was part of the association’s “At school with complete peace of mind” program. Aimée Yameogo, the executive secretary of AZLY, emphasized the importance of the day in raising awareness about the critical issues affecting children in contexts of security and humanitarian crises.
The celebration was themed around the protection of family and children’s rights amid ongoing crises. During the event, Compaoré Reine Gaelle, representing the children, highlighted the vulnerability of children to rights violations in these challenging conditions and called on the state and social partners to ensure educational continuity and protection for all children.
The event featured performances including poems, sketches, and slam poetry by students, aiming to educate peers and attendees on the various issues discussed. One notable performance was by Zoungrana Mamounata, a student from the Boura school, who presented a poem on the negative impacts of excision on girls’ health and education.
Distinguished guests included local administrative, customary, and religious leaders, as well as parents and the regional director of the national police of the Center-South, Minata Traoré, who served as both a patron and role model, particularly encouraging girls to pursue education and careers in traditionally male-dominated fields like law enforcement.
The event not only celebrated the 34th Day of the African Child but also included a competition of artistic and literary productions related to the day’s themes, rewarding participants with cash and in-kind prizes.