Zoundwéogo: In an innovative approach to public health education, the Guiba market in Zoundwéogo Province came alive with a forum theater focused on inclusive breastfeeding, nutrition, and vaccination. The event, held on Tuesday, was initiated by the Zak La Yilguemdé and Teel-Taaba associations in collaboration with the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organizations (SPONG).
According to Burkina Information Agency, The event featured performances by the Delwendé theater troupe, incorporating dances, songs, and skits to communicate vital health messages. This initiative, supported financially by UNICEF, is part of the ‘community monitoring project to improve access of vulnerable groups to health services.’ Nadine Diao, the project manager at SPONG, explained that the aim was to gather data on community difficulties in accessing health services and to engage in advocacy with local decision-makers. The performances covered topics like the benefits of inclusive breastfeeding, proper nutrition, and the importance of mother/child vaccination, also stressing the need for regular health center visits and adherence to health workers’ advice. Abarata Zoungrana, an audience member, expressed satisfaction with the event and its potential impact on maternal and child health in Burkina Faso. Tonsouré Gouba, the president of the special delegation of the Guiba commune, also commended the theater troupe and organizers for their effective awareness-raising efforts. The initiative is not limited to Guiba; it extends to 30 other communes across Burkina Faso, as part of the broader project goals, as indicated by Nadine Diao.