Zoundwéogo: award-winning students at the end of a literary and artistic production competition

Students from the Dissomey General Education College (CEG) in the commune of Guiba, Zoundwéogo province, were awarded on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, after being declared winners of a literary production competition and organized by the Association Zak La Yilguemdé (AZLY) as part of the implementation of the program “At school in complete serenity”.

Writing, poetry and drawing were the main disciplines on the program of the competition which pitted about thirty students from the General Education College (CEG) of Dissomey in the commune of Guiba (province of Zoundwéogo).

The five candidates who obtained the best averages in each of the tests presented saw their efforts recognized and rewarded.

The themes addressed in the various topics concerned, among others, the consequences of the worst forms of child labor, the importance of education, life skills, sexual and reproductive health and good citizenship.

The members of the jury were unanimous in recognizing that the participants have, in general, “done a satisfactory job with convincing arguments or presentations of beautiful invoices”.

“The best won otherwise everyone was able to bring out the essentials of what was expected,” said the agent at the provincial directorate in charge of the Zoundwéogo Family Piouyiri Bilé. “In all disciplines, the students were on the subject and that made us very happy,” noted for his part the professor of History-Geography and French Philibert Ouédraogo.

The candidates Ilboudo Albert and Nana Djéwarata, winners in the discipline of writing, confided that they approached the subjects of composition with serenity and called in their arguments on the students to be model citizens at school and in society, to work diligently during lessons and to distance themselves from behavior that is harmful to their academic success.

Member of the Zak La Yilguemdé Association (AZLY) team, Sarah Ouédraogo, said she was satisfied with the results obtained at the end of the competition, in particular the quality of the overall work of the candidates.

She explained that beyond the material reward, the objective sought through the organization of the competition is achieved insofar as the activity has enabled the students to share their knowledge on the topics discussed and, in turn, show that they are able to decide and act by assuming their civic potential and positively impacting the behavior of their comrades.

This is moreover, Mrs. Ouédraogo specified, one of the priority objectives of the program “At school in all serenity” in which the competition is part and which is implemented thanks to the financial and technical support of the Dutch foundation Kinderpostzegels. “One of the axes of this program is to make children able to help each other to maximize their success and the competition is one of the activities that serves as a springboard for us to achieve this”, confided the representative of the AZLY association.

The competition organized at the CEG of Dissomey marks the start of a series of similar activities planned during the year in three other establishments in the communes of Guiba and Gogo, namely the departmental high school of Guiba, the CEG of Nagrigré and the departmental high school of Gogo, also informed Sarah Ouédraogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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