ZONDOMA/Transition support meeting: Participants plead for a new constitution

Under the aegis of the Faso Lagmtaaba Movement, a meeting was organized on Saturday October 7, 2023 at the Place de la Nation in Gourcy. Support for the transition and the adoption of a new constitution were on the agenda.

The Place de la Nation de Gourcy hosted a meeting on Saturday October 7, 2023 organized by the Faso Lagmtaaba movement section of Gourcy in collaboration with other movements such as “the Pan-African leaders”, “Africa Revolution”, and “the Patriots of North’ from Ouahigouya.

Young people, women, traditional and religious leaders and many other social groups took part in this demonstration which, according to the organizers, aims to reaffirm verbally their support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré and the transition on the one hand and on the other hand to demand the adoption of a new constitution for the country.

After a motorcycle parade through the city’s arteries, the demonstrators met at the Place de la Nation to listen to the various messages from the leaders present. The president of
the organizing committee Sanba Ouédraogo, and the president of Faso Lagmtaaba du Zondoma, Oumarou Ouédraogo, set the scene by thanking the participants for responding massively to their call. In their speeches, they also reaffirmed their support for the transition and its president. ‘We support the Captain because he acts according to the will of the people’, they indicated, taking as an example the numerous villages of Zondoma resettled according to them thanks to the logistical means acquired by the power and the efforts of the Defense and Security Forces. security (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) to whom they paid a vibrant tribute.

For the Secretary General of the national office of the association, Ousmane Ouédraogo, the current constitution ‘is as dangerous as terrorism itself’. Because, according to him, it would be the emanation of France and consequently only serves its interests to the detriment of the populations. For him, ‘Such a constitution should be banned in fa
vor of another which takes into account our culture, our customs and our social values’.

He will be supported by Adama Compaoré and Sayouba Ouédraogo, respectively president and spokesperson for Faso Lagmtaaba, who came as reinforcements from the capital. In turn, the two leaders castigated the present constitution and called on the President of Faso to make its change based on our cultural values.

Furthermore, they, like all the other speakers who preceded them, reaffirmed their unwavering support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré and the transition by warning the perpetrators of any attempt at destabilization.

‘Whoever tries something against Captain Traoré will find us on his way,’ they declared, inviting young people to maintain civic vigil and to support the reconquest of the territory initiated by the authorities and the fighting forces.

It should be noted that the organizers deplored the absence of certain administrative authorities at this event which according to them is of interest to the entire popula

Remember that this is the third event of its kind organized to support the transition, this time with a particular emphasis on changing the constitution.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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