ZONDOMA: The start of the school year in Lèba after a year of suspension.

The official launch of the 2023-2024 school year in the province of Zondoma took place this Monday, October 2, 2023 in the commune of Lèba under the presidency of High Commissioner Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé.

It is the commune of Lèba which was selected by the Zondoma authorities for the official launch of the 2023-2024 school year in the Zondoma province. This choice, according to High Commissioner Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, is justified by the authority’s desire to show its support for local education stakeholders who have agreed to resume classes after a year of suspension linked to terrorist acts. The first stage of the launch took visitors to the Lèba departmental high school.

‘We are ready, we are just waiting for the students to return,’ said the high school Principal, Ibrahim Ouédraogo. However, he noted difficulties such as the insufficient number of teachers and the case of the library being completely ransacked by armed men as they passed by.

The teachers present received encouragement from the first
managers who made a commitment to do everything possible for the smooth running of the school year. At the Lèba ‘A’ primary school, parents, students, teachers and supervisors expressed to the delegation their joy at returning to school after a year of closure. For this, they thanked the authorities who worked tirelessly to bring back the population. In turn, they received congratulations and encouragement from the authorities. The High Commissioner and his delegation also visited other municipal services, some of which have timidly returned to work in order to encourage them to facilitate and support the return of the population through their presence. Before hitting the road again,

As a reminder, in 2022 the commune of Lèba was the target of several terrorist incursions which caused the displacement of populations, the closure of all schools and the degradation of certain infrastructures.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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