Zondoma Teachers Raise Funds for Local Security Forces

Gourcy — In a commendable show of support for local security efforts, teachers in Zondoma province collectively raised 558,000 FCFA to aid the Forces of Defense and Security (FDS) and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP). The donation was officially handed over in a ceremony on July 1, 2024, during the traditional flag-raising at the national gendarmerie in Gourcy.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary, and Non-Formal Education in Zondoma, the funds were gathered by preschool and primary school teachers involved in organizing the CEP exams and the entrance exam to the sixth grade for the 2024 session. The High Commissioner of Zondoma Province, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, received the donation from the educators and expressed his gratitude for their initiative before passing it on to the appropriate recipients.

This act of generosity by the teaching community follows similar initiatives by students from the CEB of Tougo and Gourcy 1, who previously raised 371,600 and 246,620 CFA francs, respectively, for similar purposes.

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