Zondoma: End of training for 20 teenage girls and young women in Gourcy dyeing and weaving

The Association Sougri la Bangre des Tisseuses (ASBT) organized on Saturday March 25, 2023 in Gourcy, a ceremony marking the end of the training of 20 teenagers and young women in dyeing and weaving Faso-danfani loincloths.

Started on December 20, 2022, the training of 20 adolescent girls and young women in the technique of dyeing and weaving traditional Faso-danfani loincloths ended on March 20, 2023.

The closing of this training session provided by the Association Sougri la Bangre des Tisseuses was marked by an official ceremony which took place this Saturday, March 25, 2023 in Gourcy under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner of the Zondoma province Aboubacar Sidiki Nabe.

According to the president of the Guembré/Sankara Habibata Association, this training was able to take place thanks to funding from the Cultural and Tourism Development Fund (FDCT) in partnership with Swiss cooperation. The moment is therefore well chosen for her to express her gratitude to all those who have contributed to the effectiveness of this activity.

“For three months we acquired knowledge and skills allowing us to produce quality loincloths and manage our businesses”.

But the main question remains our installation Declared the representative of the learners Firdawse Guembré who pleaded for their support in installation kits.

For the High Commissioner of Zondoma, this initiative is to be welcomed because it contributes not only to the empowerment of women but also to the promotion of Faso-danfani which, according to him, has become emblematic in our culture and also a source of income.

“I urge you not to give in to discouragement because there will be difficulties on your entrepreneurial journey” Advised the first person in charge of the province to the learners. A presentation of certificate and the visit of the training center ended the ceremony placed under the sponsorship of the National Coordinator of the Rural World Association (AMR) represented by Abdoulaye Savadogo and the Co sponsorship of the Director of Savane Fm Nord El Adj Lebyiri Sawadogo

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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