Ziro Implements “Safe School” Approach to Counter Security Threats in Schools

In Ziro, the provincial directorate of preschool, primary, and non-formal education launched a training initiative on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, in Sapouy. This program, centered around the “Safe School” approach, is designed to equip teaching staff in the province to deal with security threats in educational settings.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the provincial director, recent terrorist incursions have led to the temporary closure of several educational establishments and the displacement of thousands of students in various Basic Education Districts (CEB), including Dassa and Kyon in Sanguié, Niabouri, Silly, and To in Sissili, as well as Gao in Ziro. These incidents have disrupted the normal operation of educational programs in the affected areas.

The training aims to foster resilient behavior among educational supervisors, teachers, students, and parents, enabling them to confront and resist attempts to destabilize the education system. The “Safe School” program, developed by the State with support from its partners, is geared towards preparing students, teachers, and parents to adopt protective behaviors in the face of security threats at school or within the community.

School directors and early childhood development center leaders are taking a central role in this initiative. Over the course of four days, they will delve into the specifics of the “Safe School” approach. The program also includes sessions on psychosocial care for internally displaced students (EDI) and education about peace. Compaoré urged the directors to engage actively in the training, as they will be responsible for implementing these new strategies in their respective schools upon returning from the training.

The initiative reflects a proactive response to the challenges posed by the current security crisis and aims to safeguard the continuity of education in these vulnerable regions.

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