Zanzibar leased islets to boost tourism


ZANZIBAR— ZANZIBAR is set to boost its tourism industry after leasing its 16 islets to investors for high end investment and development opportunities.
President Hussein Mwinyi revealed that at the opening of Annual Conference of the Project Management Institute (PMI)-Tanzania Chapter, saying investment in the islets is crucial in transforming the Zanzibar economy.
“The investors are ready to develop the islets, the investments are likely to boost Zanzibar’s tourism industry,” Mwinyi said in his speech read on his behalf by First Vice-President Othman Masoud Othman.
He said Zanzibar provides spectacular investment opportunities in many sectors which guarantee lucrative financial return,.
Mwinyi further said that in the past some projects did not bear anticipated fruits because of inefficiency in managing them noting that, “the government is striving to avoid such mistakes in leasing land to incompetent investors. We want to make sure that we work with only serious investors, with enough experience in project management.”
He said the government is committed to making sure that it trains its people to equip them with knowledge and skills to manage large-scale projects in different sectors.
Mwinyi explained that Zanzibar is implementing a number of projects under blue economy agenda which include fisheries, tourism, oil and gas, and marine transport, while also offering a wide range of investment opportunities in agriculture, manufacturing, ICT, energy and provision of social services.
He further said that it is encouraging to see that the Ministry of Labour, Economy, and Investments is going to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PMI-Tanzania chapter.
“The two sides have agreed to work together with the aim of building a centre of excellence in project management within the Ministry,” he said. PMI will provide the needed tools and techniques in the provision of training.
Dr Mwinyi said that he expects to see the MoU being extended to other ministries within the government to ensure that they apply the best practice and operate in accordance with international standards.
He noted that the successful implementation of national development plans is stipulated in Tanzania Development vision 2025, Zanzibar Development Vision 2050, and CCM 2025 Election Manifesto.
On his part, Zanzibar State Minister, Office of the President (Labour, Economy and Investment) Mudrik Ramadhan Soraga, who is the PMI- Tanzania Chapter conference host, said the government has been improving infrastructures to enable smooth implementation of projects.
“We need timely and value for money projects and this can be achieved through proper management,” Soraga said.
Ladislaus Kiwanga, from PMI-Tanzania Chapter, said the conference under the theme ‘Projects to drive an industrial Tanzanian Economy,’ is an opportunity to discuss how to ensure projects are successful.

Source: Nam News Network


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