Zabré: “We have faith that the sad pages of terrorism will soon be closed”, supporters of the Transition

The task still remains colossal, but with the will, the determination and the continuation of the current combat dynamic, we have faith that the sad pages of terrorism will soon be closed”. It is this message of hope that led many people to walk this Saturday in Zabré, to support my Transition and the Combatant Forces.

The Living Forces of the municipality of Zabré organized this Saturday, May 20, 2023 a march in support of the Transition regime. Coming from the 44 villages of the canton of Zabré, a large crowd gathered around 8 am at the Place de la Nation de Zabré, the starting point of the march.

The objective of the marches is to show their support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré, his government, the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP).

Among the walkers there are young, old, women and even children. They held Burkinabè, Russian and Chinese flags and placards on which one could read, among other things: “No to France! Long live social cohesion between the sons and daughters of Burkina Faso! No to neocolonialism! Ibrahim Traoré or nothing”.

They pronounced in unison “long live Captain Traoré, long live the FDS, long live the VDP” all in an atmosphere of vuvuzela.

The 2 km round-trip route took walkers from the Place de la Nation to the Zabré bus station.

Along the roads, there are closed shops and other businesses. Some traders interviewed said that their priority today was walking. They will return to their businesses afterwards.

For the spokesman of the coalition of the Forces vives, Boureima Targuigmdé, this is a historic day because all the Forces vives of Zabré have taken the firm resolution to mobilize massively as a single family to answer the call of the homeland.

“The task still remains colossal, of course, but with the will, the determination and the continuation of the current combat dynamics, we have faith that the sad pages of terrorism will soon be closed”, he delivered in an extract from his message to the authorities at the end of the market.

At the national level, he says he also hopes that the children will freely go to school from Markoye to Sokoandé, and that the farmers of Kongoussi, Seguenega or Mani will be able to devote themselves entirely to field work.

The prefect-president of the special delegation (PDS) of Zabré, B. Alain Bassono says he got the message.

He called on all religious denominations to pray and customary chiefs to appeal to the ghosts of ancestors for the return of peace to Burkina Faso .

“What we remember today is that Zabré has decided to support the Transition, because Zabré believes in the Transition and for my part I will convey the message to whom it may concern” he continued. He ended by asking people to remain on permanent alert.

As a reminder, this day of May 20, 2023 has been declared a day of prayer and fasting by religious leaders. Also before the start of the march, a spontaneous collection of funds for the war effort made it possible to collect on the spot the sum of 500,000f which was given to the PDS.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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