Young Africans invited to be at the forefront of the fight for good governance

Ministers Bazolma Bazié and Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo on Friday urged 250 young Africans gathered in Ouagadougou for the 1st edition of the African Forum on Leadership and Democratic Governance (FALGD), to be at the forefront posts in this fight, also led by the Burkinabè Transition.

The consortium of organizations of young leaders committed to promoting good governance in Burkina Faso, Governance and Leadership by Youth (GOLY), is organizing on June 23 and 24, 2023, in Ouagadougou, the 1st edition of the African Forum on Leadership and Democratic Governance (FALGD), under the theme: “Youth and African leadership facing the challenges of good governance and peacebuilding: lines of thought”.

According to the Minister in charge of Communication, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, patron of the ceremony, Africa is confronted with economic problems, corruption, insecurity as well as other obstacles which hinder its progress and which require that the we look into it.

“This complex and multidimensional crisis that Burkina Faso is going through has its origins in bad governance, corruption, looting and the illegal distribution of resources,” he lamented.

In view of this, he noted that leadership and democratic governance are one of Africa’s most pressing challenges. And to add that promoting these values means strengthening the fundamentals of Burkinabe society, creating an environment conducive to peace, stability and lasting prosperity.

Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, in this dynamic, urged young people to be at the forefront of this fight led by the Transition government, by making Burkina Faso a country in which good governance will be the best shared thing.

Addressing the young people at this high-level forum, the Minister of State, Bassolma Bazié, reminded them of their very important role in the future of Burkina Faso.

“Our country is sick today, due to bad governance, injustice, plundering of resources through corruption and youth unemployment… You who are the future of Faso, you should continue to cultivate the values of patriotism, integrity, courage, solidarity, so dear to our Nation”, he invited.

For the chairman of the FALDG organizing committee, Dr. Lassané Zongo, this forum is created with the aim of promoting the values of good governance in Africa. For two days, approximately 250 young people from Burkina Faso and other countries such as Chad, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger will be equipped on themes related to good governance.

Among these areas of reflection, he cited “Socioeconomic governance: What levers for the development of youth in a context of security crisis?”, “Administrative governance: What levers to boost the performance of public administration?” , “Youth, Training and Employment: What levers to operate? “, “Governance of the security sector: What contribution of youth to get the country out of the security impasse? “, etc.

Workshops, B to B sessions, talk shows are also planned.

For Dr. Zongo, the youth is the linchpin of the development of any country and it must be educated on these issues in order to be able to participate actively in the development of the nation through a new dynamic.

The NGO Diakonia, Inter peace, the Center for Democratic Governance (CGD) supported GOLY in the implementation of this forum.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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