Yako:: Judicial family celebrates “Mandela Day” for the benefit of detainees

The Yako Remand and Correctional Center (MACY) celebrated from July 16 to 18, 2023, the first edition of the inmate’s 72 hours, called “Mandela Day” for the benefit of its residents.

For the first time in its history, the actors of the judicial family of Yako celebrate “Nelson Mandela Day”, in memory of the former prisoner and South African President, Nelson Mandela, for the benefit of the detainees of the House of Remand and Yako’s correction (MACY).

For this year 2023, the 72 hours of “Mandela Day” dedicated to detainees have been placed under the theme “Community contribution to the improvement of living and detention conditions”.

This first edition was sponsored by the Dima of Yako, his majesty the Naba-Djiguèmdé.

The ceremony was punctuated by performances by artists, presentation of certificates of recognition to people who have spared no effort to support the judicial institution, through humanitarian works.

It was also marked by a guided tour of the MACY of Yako followed by a community meal.

The president of the organization committee of the days, Clémence Ouédraogo/Abassiri and judge at the TGI of Yako indicated that the day of July 18 constitutes a recognition of the works of Nelson Mandela, through his fight for democracy, the culture of peace and freedom.

“We celebrate this man of immeasurable values who knew how to transcend suffering and humiliation to lead the whole world towards better days. she said.

She also took the opportunity to make pleas, in favor of the detainees, in particular on the improvement of their living and detention conditions.

As for the High Commissioner of the province of Passoré, Laurent Kontogom, who was also president of the ceremony, Nelson Mandela Day or “Mandela Day” aims, among other things, to mobilize outside communities on the conditions of detainees, to recognize the importance social work done by prison staff.

According to Mr. Kontogom, prison environments are marked by precarious living conditions which often do not favor the decent and humane treatment of prisoners.

“Our wish is that Prisoners’ Day can be remembered and serve as a reference to promote human actions in favor of the prison world. he argued.

To this end, the sponsor, the president of the organizing committee of the 72 hours pleaded for a better socio-professional, educational and cultural reintegration of people in detention in Yako.

The director of the MACY of Yako, Armard Sawadogo recalled that the United Nations celebrates every July 18 “The day of the detained person” or “Mandela Day” to pay tribute to the former South African president who made 27 years from prison.

Mr. Sawadogo also made an observation on the situation of detainees as well as prison staff.

It emerges from the said report that the budget allocated to the food and health of the 108 detainees of the MACY for the year 2023 is below the needs of the prisoners.

According to him, the distribution makes case of 112 F CFA per day and per detainee for food needs and 10 F CFA per person and per day, with regard to health care.

Armard Sawadogo said he was satisfied with the celebration of Nelson Mandela Day and thanked all the actors who contributed to the success of the event.

On the sidelines of the official “Mandela Day” ceremony, the 72 hours of the Yako detainee were marked, among other things, by the organization of a cleanliness day within the Yako CMA, a medical visit for the prisoners as well as board games and pétanque competitions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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