World Vision Zimbabwe Impact Report 2022


Keeping Our Promise

Financial year 2022 marks the second year of the World Vision Zimbabwe FY 21-25 Strategy Cycle. This Strategy is based on our Global partnership strategy, ‘Our Promise’, which represents a bold commitment to the most vulnerable girls and boys to transform their lives and bring hope as well as realising the Sustainable Development Goals. In light of the ever-changing context, WVZ has remained agile, innovative and adaptive to ensure that our strategy remains relevant in addressing threats to children. This year, the office celebrates God’s faithfulness with many key achievements, including:

Deepening our commitment to the most vulnerable children, WV Zimbabwe in financial year 2022 reached a total of 948,301 children through its programming.

Focusing our ministry for greater results by being impact driven, in financial year 22 WV Zimbabwe facilitated distribution of 728,827 Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) through the Global fund Malaria grant, reaching 263,734 households translating to 1,178,039 individuals. This has seen a 71.8% increase in access to LLINs for the target population from 22% in 2020 to 93.8% in 2022, thereby ensuring that 607,609 adults and 570,430 children are protected from the risk of malaria infections and death.

**Collaborating and advocating for broader impact, WVZ worked with the parliamentary portfolio committees on: education; health; women affairs gender and community development throughout the year with a primary goal to lobby accelerated enactment of the Marriage Law which came into effect in June, 2022. One hundred and forty-one (141) child leaders participated in the local and national policy dialogues on the existing gaps to criminalise and abolish child marriage.

Living out our Christian faith and calling with boldness and humility, the office-built integrity as a strong Christian partner, capable of stimulating a diverse mix of faith actors in support of collective action for children. In FY 22, WV Zimbabwe in partnership with AWANA and Scripture Union equipped a total of 15,142 parents and care givers with positive parenting skills this was an increase from the 14,772 parents reached in FY21.

As an organisation, we have committed to changing ourselves and finding new ways to work together through our mind sets and behaviours to realise the God-given potential among us. The FY22 Our Voice survey results provide very encouraging signs of progress made by WV Zimbabwe. Staff indicated that they receive appropriate recognition for doing good work (73%), which is a 5% increase from FY21. Furthermore, staff pointed out that they have the authority to make decisions that improve the quality of their work (75%), a 3 % increase from FY21. These scores are evidence of a significant step forward in changing our culture to realise Our Promise.

World Vision Zimbabwe is grateful to partners and supporters who have made it possible to make significant progress in improving the well-being of children especially the most vulnerable within their families and communitie

Source: World Vision