Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities signals end of 16 days of No Violence Campaign in North West Province

Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities signals the end of 16 days of No Violence Campaign in North West Province

On Saturday, 10 December 2022, the department brought to a close the 16 Days of No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days of Activism) in Ditsobotla, North West Province.

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign is a United Nations-endorsed international initiative that runs annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The Campaign sets out to focus global attention on the worldwide pandemic of violence against women and children.

This year, the South African government launched the campaign under the theme “Socio-Economic Rights and Empowerment to build Women’s Resilience Against Gender-Based Violence and Femicide: Connect, Collaborate, Contract.” The launched was attended by aspiring and well established female entrepreneurs who exhibited their goods and services.

Advocacy initiatives to promote economic emancipation of women and empowerment to leave abusive relationships took place throughout the campaign and will continue as it is linked to the core work of the department. To mention just a few, Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane hosted a consultation on Enforcement of Maintenance Act Against Child Maintenance Defaulters, which was held in Polokwane to address the economic harm borne largely by women due to unpaid child maintenance.

A Presidential Summit on Economic Empowerment of and for Persons with Disabilities took place on 7-8 December 2022 in Gauteng to discuss measures to elevate the economic status of persons with disabilities, particularly women, who as statistics show, are more economically vulnerable when compared to women without disabilities.

Furthermore, the department supported Provincial and community-led GBVF initiatives, such as the formation of Violence Free Zone Campaigns in KwaZulu-Natal.

The department is facilitating Provincial Youth and Substance Abuse Dialogues in order to address the contributing factors to the scourge of violence in the country. The next leg will take place in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, on 13 December 2022. Young women experience high levels of violence and alcohol and substance abuse is a contributing aggravating factor when perpetrators turn to violence.

The department also welcomes the resolutions of the Presidential Summit on GBVF 2, which took place on 1-2 November 2022. The resolutions sets out immediate priorities that need addressing by various stakeholders in ramping up our efforts in realising the outcomes of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF.

The department wishes to remind citizens that we all have an individual and collective responsibility to end GBVF and to help support victims of the pandemic. Ending GBVF is a 365-Days Campaign and everyone must play their part. It is about collective responsibility and accountability.

Source: Government of South Africa

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