Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities briefs media on impact of 100-day challenges on GBVF NSP Localisation, 23 Aug

The impact of 100-day challenges on GBVF NSP Localisation

You are invited to a joint media briefing on the impact of 100-Day Challenges on GBVF (Gender-Based Violence and Femicide) NSP (National Strategic Plan) Localisation.

The panel of speakers will illustrate how using 100-Day Challenges as focused interventions in specific geographical areas have accelerated the implementation of the NSP on GBVF at municipal level. Each of the speakers is from a different sector involved in collaboratively implementing the NSP on GBVF.

The briefing will be chaired by Sixolile Ngcobo, Western Cape Provincial Manager of the Commission for Gender Equality, with speakers: Nomsa Nabo, Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities; Candice Ludick, End GBVFCollective; and Nicky Le Roux, Ford Foundation.

Source: Government of South Africa

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