Women of Tapoa Rally in Support of Burkina Faso’s Transition

Diapaga – In a spirited display of political support, the women of M30 from Tapoa demonstrated on the streets of Diapaga to express their unwavering commitment to the ongoing Transition in Burkina Faso and President Ibrahim TraorĂ©. The event on Monday aimed to highlight their solidarity with the national defense and volunteer forces.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the march, which began at Untaani High School and culminated at the city’s central roundabout, symbolized their robust backing of President TraorĂ©’s efforts to alleviate the nation’s struggles. During the event, representatives from the eight communes of Tapoa took turns acknowledging the President’s endeavors to uplift Burkina Faso. The demonstrators prayed for divine support for the security forces engaged in reclaiming territory and called upon ancestral spirits to guide and safeguard the transporters delivering essential supplies to Diapaga.

Odette Yonli, a representative for the M30 women, voiced a poignant call for peace and the return of displaced persons to their villages, underlining the community’s deep-seated desire for stability and dignity. Furthermore, the assembly served as a platform for calls to action against terrorism, urging women to foster awareness and discourage fraternal discord.

The presence of local patriarchs added a layer of traditional endorsement to the gathering, with blessings directed towards government officials and military personnel, aiming for triumph over the longstanding conflicts that have troubled Burkina for eight years. Amid chants of loyalty to President TraorĂ©, the crowd echoed the sentiment, “IB we are, IB we remain, IB we will be until the final victory.”

The event also served as a precursor to a larger mobilization scheduled for the imminent arrival of a government-organized food convoy intended to aid the residents of Tapoa.

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