WMO launches 2024 Calendar Competition


The World Meteorological Organization is thrilled to announce the launch of its 2024 calendar photography competition. It is one of our most eagerly awaited annual activities. Each year becomes even more successful with an ever-increasing number of amazing photographs which illustrate the beauty, power and importance of weather, climate and water.

This year, the competition will reflect the theme of World Meteorological Day 2024: At the frontline of climate action.

We are looking for high-quality and meaningful photographs that capture people and communities working on climate action and illustrate why the work of the WMO community is so important in protecting people from the forces of nature. We also want photos that illustrate the need to protect our planet from the impact of human activities.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, we are keen to encourage a geographical balance that represents all regions of the Earth. We are delighted that each year, we get new photos from new photographers from an increasing number of countries.

Winning entries will feature in the printed WMO 2024 Calendar. They will be showcased on the WMO website and social media platforms and prominently in our World Meteorological Day 2024 celebrations. We will also promote them among other U.N. agencies. There will be lots of recognition but no financial reward!

Since its launch in 2014, the WMO Calendar Competition has gained stature and recognition.

The United Nations regularly features your photos in its news stories and web pages. WMO’s website and social media channels also constantly promote our calendar entries.

Some national meteorological and hydrological services also run their own photo contests and feed these entries to WMO. We are always looking to expand the competition and reach aspiring new photographers!

WMO received more than 1 500 entries for the 2023 Calendar, and we thank everyone who participated. We look forward to the competition for the 2024 calendar.

Source: World Meteorological Organization